Lunes, Oktubre 7, 2013

Grade3 Math Special Class

Math 3 Reviewer
Directions: Solve each problem and write your answer on the space provided before the number.

_____________1. Peter and John are each less than 30 years old. Peter is 9 years older than John. Each of their

                              ages is a composite number greater than 10 and do not have a common factor. How old is Peter?

_____________2. Rose noticed that the amount of money she saved doubled each month for 4 consecutive months.

                              She saved P360 in the fourth month. How much did she save during the four months?

_____________3. A piece of rope is cut into 3 pieces in the ratio 2 : 3 : 4. If the shortest piece is 12 m long, how

                              long is the whole rope?

_____________4. In a game, Joel score is 12 points more than Daniel’s. Charlse ‘s score is 9 points less than

                              Daniel’s. Together, the score of the three is 72. What is the score of Joel?

_____________5. One milk can has a radius of 10 cm and a height of 8 cm. A second milk can has a radius of

                              8 cm and a height of 10 cm. How much more milk does the bigger can hold?

_____________6. A circular lagoon has a radius of 28 m. If you walk around it five times, how many meters will

                              that be? ( π = 3.14 or 22/7 )

_____________7. What is the area of the lagoon in number 6?

_____________8. A rectangular lot has a perimeter of 156 m. If the width is 17 m longer than the length, find the

                              dimensions of the rectangle.

_____________9. A farmer began plowing his field at 5:15 A.M. He finished in 7 hours and 34 minutes. What time

                              did he finish?

_____________10. What is the supplement of an angle of 460?

_____________11. What is 348.9 ÷ 1 000?

_____________12. In 5 days, Janice had a total of 15.5 hours of overtime. What was her average daily overtime?

_____________13. The ratio of boys to girls in a class of 32 pupils is 3 : 5. How many less boys than girls are


_____________14. If 13 : 7 = N : 63 , what is N?

_____________15. In a barangay, there are 56 children below 18 years of age for every 100 people. What is the

                                ratio of children to adults?

_____________16. Rounding me to the nearest hundred makes me 800. Rounding me to the nearest ten, makes me

                                850. If  the sum of my digits is 15, what number am I?

_____________17. There are 450 Grades 3 and 4 pupils in a school. If 42% of them are girls, how many are boys?

_____________18. If the rations for 24 scouts on a camp can last them for 12 days, how long will it last if 8 scouts

                                suddenly join them on the first day?

_____________19. What is the best metric unit to measure the height of a flagpole?     

_____________20. How many years are in 5  ½ decades?

_____________21. What is N in the pattern 165,  N,  125,  105?

_____________22. The result of dividing a number by 2  1/8 is 3  2/3. What is the number?

_____________23. The average weight of Larry and Martin is 50  2/3 kilos. If the weight of Larry is 54  ½ kilos,

                                find the weight of Martin.

_____________24. What fraction of 2 centuries are 2 decades?

_____________25. What is the biggest common divisor of 156 and 260?

_____________26. Write 1 148 as a product of its prime factors?

_____________27. Which of  111,  123,  183,  201,  239,  348 is a prime?

_____________28. The number 132 782 is not divisible by which of the numbers 2,  3,  4,  6,  7 and 8?

_____________29. I am thinking of a number greater than 70 but less than 80 than can be divided by 8 living a

                                remainder of 2. What is my number?

_____________30. What is the biggest possible remainder when a number is divided by 10?

_____________31. What number is four times the sum of the first five odd numbers?

_____________32. What is the remainder when 34 753 is divided by 34?

_____________33. Thrice my number plus 8 equals 53. What is my number?

_____________34. Write “forty-one and seventeen thousandths” in figures.

_____________35. Write 6 x 106 + 3 x 105 + 8 x 103 + 5 x 102 + 2 x10 + 9 as one number.

_____________36. Write the smallest even number using all of 4,  9,  6,  0,  7 and 1.

_____________37. Round 247.864 to the nearest hundredth.

_____________38. How many ten thousands are there in 34 million?

_____________39. Round to the nearest hundred and estimate : 346 + 863 + 142 .

_____________40. Find two numbers whose difference is 24 and one number is four times the other.

_____________41. What digit can be placed in the blank in 45 __24 to make it divisible by 3 and 9?

_____________42. Express 2 , 435 as a product of its prime factors.

_____________43. Find the greatest common factor of 245 and 720.

_____________44. What is the smallest common multiple of 245 and 720?

_____________45. What is midway between 2 500 and 4 500?

_____________46. What is the multiple of 1 000 nearest to 35 734?

_____________47. 3  1/3 is equal to how many ninths?

_____________48. What two numbers have a sum of 18 and a product of 56?

_____________49. The product of two numbers is 36 and their sum is 13. What is their difference?

_____________50. The price of a candy is 75 ¢ . How many can I buy with my P15?

_____________51. Susan cut some pizza into 6ths. After serving 34 pieces, she had 8 pieces left. How many

                                pizzas did she cut?

_____________52. How many pieces of ribbon, each 12.5 cm long can be cut from a 100-m roll of ribbon?

_____________53. What is the ratio of 38 cm to 12 dm?

_____________54. Apples cost P12 each. How many can you buy with P150?

_____________55. Which is greater , 12/14 or 11/13?

_____________56. Loraine had 48 stamps. She gave 1/6 of them to Jane and 2/5 of the remainder to her sister.

                                How many stamps remained with Loraine?

_____________57. A movie is 2  1/5 hours long. If it ended at 7:40 p.m. , what time did it start?

_____________58. Joy’s garden is 16 m long and 14 m wide. If the fencing material costs P125.50 per meter,

                                how much did he spend in all?

_____________59. What is the area of Joy’s garden?

_____________60. A room is 6 m long, 8 m wide and 5 m high. How much air does it enclose?

_____________61. There are 960 pupils in a school. One stormy day, 25% of them were absent. How many were


_____________62. Bryan has 24 fewer stamps than Mike. Together , they have 246 stamps. How many stamps

                                has Mike?

_____________63. Nica bought a pair of shoes and a bag. The pair of shoes costs P25 more than four times as

                                much as the bag. Together, the shoes and bag cost P565. How much did the pair of shoes cost?

_____________64. After reading a part of her book, Helen left the book open at a part where the sum of the page

                                numbers  on the two facing pages was 247. What was the page number on the left hand side?

_____________65. Find the perimeter of the figure at the right.                                            36 cm
_____________66. What is the area of the figure?                                                                   
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        20 cm
                                                                                                   14 cm                            
                                                                                                                                                                                                 50 cm

_____________67. Elizabeth wrote her name fifty times on a long piece of tape without any space between her

                                written name. What letter was the 100th space?

_____________68. The product of two whole numbers is 10 000. Neither of the two numbers contains a zero last
                                 digit. What are the two numbers?
_____________69. What is 24 less than the product of the first two multiples of 7?

_____________70. In 63 763 192, how many times as great is the underlined 3 than the 3 that is not underlined?

_____________71. Write 4 x 100 000 + 5 x 1 000 + 3 x 100 + 7 x 10 as a single number.

_____________72. What is the smallest digit that can be placed in the blank in 23 47__ to make it divisible by 6?

_____________73. What is the sum of the smallest odd prime number and the largest prime number less than 100?

_____________74. Divide three times 20 by the product of 6 and 5.

_____________75. What is the value of 34 – 23 + 62?

_____________76. If 2.345 x 794.5 = N x 79.45, what is the value of N?

_____________77. On a number line , what fraction is midway between 0.25 and 0.80?

_____________78. What is the ratio, in lowest terms, of 14 hours to 2 days?

_____________79. A man drove for 4 hours at a speed of 40 km/h and for 3 hours at 60 km/h. What was his

                                average speed for the journey?

_____________80.If 4 : N = N : 36, what is N?

_____________81. What comes next in 729 , 243 , 81 , ___ ?

_____________82. What is 24 more than the twice the sum of 13 and 14?

_____________83. Estimate 356 + 873 + 924 using the rounding off method.

_____________84. Use the rounding method to estimate the product of 76 x 435.

_____________85. Mike  baked 267 cookies. He sold 30 dozens in their store. How many cookies remained?

_____________86. If 3 x 150 = N x 75 , what is N?

_____________87. Change 17 / 25 to a decimal.

_____________88. Two sides of a triangle are 14.5 cm and 11.7 cm. If the perimeter is 34.7 cm, what is the length

                                of the third side?

_____________89. Change 67 / 9 to a decimal to the nearest tenth.

_____________90. Mr. Fernando has 45-hectare field. He sold 2/5 of it. How many hectares remained with him?

_____________91. Rose had 204 stamps. She gave 1/3 of them to her sister and 1/6 of them to her friend. How

                                many stamps did Rose give away?

_____________92. The length of a rectangle is 5 cm longer than the width. If the perimeter is 74 cm, find the

_____________93. The scale of a map is 1 cm to 3 km. How far apart are the two towns which are 10.5 cm on

                                 the map?
_____________94. How many posts 2 m apart are needed for the fence of a yard that is 12 m by 20 m?

_____________95. The perimeter of an isosceles triangle is 72 cm. The base is 4 cm shorter than the sum of the
                                legs. Find the length of the base.

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